Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Good Name (The Power of Words To Hurt Or Heal) Book Tour

I received a free copy of the following book from New Growth Press in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions are my own.


Words Have the Power to Hurt  Samuel T. Logan’s The Good Name examines how bearing false witness is more than simply telling a lie.

Samuel T. Logan encourages readers to see the dangers of false witness among Christians, especially when dealing with disagreements, which can cause damage to individuals, the church, and the good name of Jesus.

By exploring what it means to be a true witness in the Bible and the Christian church, Logan emphasizes the power of words both divine and human and explains how our Christian responsibility is to honor others in truth and respect, especially when we disagree. 

This powerful book draws on Scripture and historical evidence of all the damage that verbal nastiness of Christians has done to the cause of Christ.


Samuel T. Logan, Jr., MDiv, PhD, has been International Director of the World Reformed Fellowship since 2005. He served at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
from 1979–2007, and is now President Emeritus. He was also Visiting Fellow at Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1988–1989, and special counsel to the president at Biblical Seminary in Hatfield,
Pennsylvania, from 2007–2013. He is a minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

Dr. Logan’s publications include The Preacher and Preaching, Sermons that Shaped America, Confronting Kingdom Challenges, and numerous articles on Jonathan Edwards. His latest release is 
The Good Name: The Power of Words to Hurt or Heal. Many of Logan’s articles are available on the World Reformed Fellowship website.


This powerful read is based on the ninth commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

In the first few pages Mr. Logan tells his story of being dismissed from a leadership position for "bearing false witness" during a meeting.  The honesty in which he tells the story helps the reader to understand where he is coming from and sets the pace of the book.  There is great wisdom and biblical teaching to aid Christians and Christians in authority the dangers of lying and not walking under truth, God's truth.  

I loved this book because it addresses so many modern-day issues, politics and morality, women in ministry, etc.  The whole precipice of the book is to learn from the bible on being honest and truthful when witnessing, to argue, but not in anger but in love, to respect and honor each other, even if there are opposing view-points.   Words can hurt, and not just the heart but the mind and spirit.  He stresses how Christians need to be like Jesus, to walk in love not in hate or anger. He shares many biblical verses throughout the book to shed the light on Jesus' teachings, the Word of God. 

We are the light of the world, and if we step down into the abyss of the world's darkness, what good are we to witness to those that do not know the truth of the saving grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?  This book really touches the heart of the Believer, that we must walk in integrity, grace and most importantly the truth.

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 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.