Saturday, October 27, 2018

HHS policy to define gender biologically

This cannot go on...
Because this insanity must stop.  There are TWO genders.  Male and Female.  End of story.  

A biological man who "identifies" as a female won a women's world championship cycling event in California, sparking debate over how transgender athletes should be judged in sporting events.
Rachel McKinnon,  (What's this man's real name?)  an assistant professor of philosophy at the College of Charleston in South Carolina, took home the gold medal in the women's 35-39 age bracket at the 2018 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Los Angeles.
"First transgender woman world champion...ever," McKinnon posted on social media soon after the race. NO!  You are a MAN... you will always be a man, and you stole a woman's rightful victory.  That is NOTHING to be proud of.

He needs mental help to accept the fact that he is a man, and not a woman.  Men SHOULD NOT be competing against women in sports, period.  Regardless of what they "identify" themselves as.

I will support President Trump in adopting this policy. 

According to, Health and Human Services (HHS) has issued a memo that recommends the government adopt an official policy that will define gender as male or female only.

The HHS memo states, "Sex means a person's status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth. The sex listed on a person's birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person's sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence."

Under President Barack Obama's administration, HHS and numerous other federal programs abandoned God's definition of gender and began recognizing at least 72 personal, made-up pronouns for sexual identity, none of which were grounded in supportable science.

Gone will be his reformist government procedures and policies embracing a head-spinning mass of sexual orientations such as those in the acronym LGBTQIAPK+ (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender ...).

Two genders, people, just two.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Welcome to the Gathering of Sisters Book Blog Tour

ABOUT THE BOOK:  Spend a day with sisters.
Once a week Darla Weaver bundles her children into the buggy, hitches up her spirited mare, and drives six miles to the farm where she grew up. There she gathers with her four sisters and their children for a day with their mother. In Gathering of Sisters, Weaver writes about her horse-and-buggy Mennonite family and the weekly women’s gatherings that keep them connected. On warm days, the children play and fish and build houses of hay in the barn. In the winter, everyone stays close to the woodstove, with puzzles and games and crocheting. No matter the weather, the Tuesday get-togethers of this Old Order Mennonite family keep them grounded and centered in their love for God and for each other, even when raising an occasional loving but knowing eyebrow at each other.
The rest of the week is full of laundry, and errands, and work that never ends. But Tuesday is about being sisters, daughters, and mothers.
Hear straight from Amish and Mennonite people themselves as they write about their daily lives and deeply rooted faith in the Plainspoken series from Herald Press. Each book includes “A Day in the Life of the Author” and the author’s answers to FAQs about the Amish and Mennonites.

MY REVIEW:  The Amish and Mennonite life has always held a great fascination for me.  I admire the simple lives they lead, the closeness of their families, their shared faith of the Almighty and most of all, how they function and live quite nicely, without all or any modern day conveniences.  Most of us can't even go an hour or two without using our mobile phones.  They are a people I can truly admire, they are steadfast in their faith and a true and strong dedication to their children and loved ones. A true testament of what it is to be a follower of Christ and living a simpler life.

Darla Weaver's narrative and vivid details of her daily activities, was quite inspiring. The discussions and conversations amongst the sisters, was a reminder of how close-knit they were and how much they shared of themselves.  And what is so cool, kids are kids, regardless of their environment.  I hope their children will continue the Tuesday gathering tradition.

I truly enjoyed this book, I must admit, it was a bit slow in some places, but chores, cooking and cleaning,'s not exciting, you just have to work through it and keep going.

I recommend this book.  It's an awesome reading experience in learning about the lives of the Old Order Mennonites.  


Darla Weaver is a homemaker, gardener, writer and Old Order Mennonite living in the hills of southern Ohio. She is the author of Water My Soul, Many Lighted Windowsand Gathering of Sisters. Weaver has written for Family Life, Ladies Journal, Young Companion, and other magazines for Amish and Old Order Mennonite groups. Before her three children were born she also taught school. Her hobbies are gardening and writing.

I was given this book for a fair and honest review.  The opinions are solely my own.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Welcome to the New Growth Children's Book Tour

These three books focus on anxiety, failure and ethnic Diversity.  These are great tools for parents and children on how to stand on the Word of God when trouble arises, and how to deal with them.  The last page of each book contains a reference for parents and bible verses in helping their child/children work through each situation.
Also included is a tear-out page of "Back Pocket Bible Verses" in the Zoe and Buster books that will give children a practical way to remember God's words when they are experiencing any kind of difficult situation.  They could put them in their backpacks, notebooks, etc.  

I hope as you read my blog reviews you will share them with your friends, social media, etc.  This helps spread the wonderful news of our Creator and his ever surpassing love for each and every one of us.  May God richly bless you all and your precious children.

Let's get started!!

Meet Zoe Mouse.  A sweet young mouse that loves to read fairy tales, who has some trouble with listening while others are speaking. One day her teacher announced they are planning a trip to the museum. The news makes Zoe anxious and fearful. The story is about overcoming her fear and trusting in God. It's a sweet tale and it's perfect for children under the age of 8.

MY REVIEW:  This book is beautifully illustrated and it invites children to remember that they are not alone, God is always with them. He's just a prayer away.  It's a good story in teaching children that any time they feel afraid, God is there, ready to lend a hand.  I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

Buster's Ears Trip Him Up:
Here we meet Buster Bunny.  He believes he's the fastest bunny in the meadow and he is excited about the big race at summer camp.  However, things don't go as smoothly as Buster would have liked.  Disaster strikes, and Buster trips over his ears, losing the race.  Through this ordeal, his older sister, Ivy, helps him to see that failure is an opportunity to grow.

My Review:  I really enjoyed reading this book.  I believe there is a little of Buster Bunny in of all us.  We sometimes believe that we can do things without the help of God, and in our pride, we usually wind up on our faces, wiping the dust off.  But this book, is shows us that we can remember that through God's love, we can do all things, and we may not always be with the one that wins, but or we aren't always the best, God still loves us and accepts us, failures and all. It's a wonderful lesson to learn.

God Made Me AND You begins with school children teasing each other about their ethnic differences.  Their teacher steps in and shares that God's wonderful plan is for our differences to reflect the amazing diversity of God's creation and to bring all nations to worship him. 

My Review:  This book teaches children that God made each and every one of us unique.  Not one person is the same.  It's a strong tool in teaching children that we are equal in the eyes of our Creator.  I hope that when they read this book, they will come to realize that we are all God's children and no one is greater than any other.

The opinions on this blog are my own.  I was given these books for an honest and fair review.  


 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.