I received the following book from New Growth Press in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions are my own.
The Profound Mystery of Biblical Sexuality
David White helps readers develop a Scripture-based perspective on human sexuality
We live in culture that is so sex-focused it almost reaches the point of obsession. Unfortunately, among all the talk of sex, very little is good, true, honorable, or faithful to the Creator’s design. David White wants to change the conversation and get Christians talking about what the Bible says on the subject. In his new release, God, You, & Sex: A Profound Mystery (New Growth Press/September 30, 2019), White digs deep to explore how marriage and sexuality point to God and his relationship with us.
In this important and engaging biblical teaching on sexuality, White helps readers develop a Scripture-based perspective on human sexuality that goes beyond “just wait until you’re married.” God, You, & Sex doesn’t sidestep the sexual revolution that has come to bitter fruition in teen and young adult “hookup” culture. In the face of these messages and the pervasiveness of sexual temptation, White helps men and women find compelling reasons to obey God with their sexuality.
David White, MDiv, is the author of Sexual Sanity for Men: Re-Creating Your Mind in a Crazy Culture and God, You, & Sex: A Profound Mystery. He served at Harvest USA for nineteen years, helping hundreds overcome sexual sin, developing curricula, supervising staff, and teaching in churches nationally on sexual issues.
He is a graduate of Temple University and Westminster Theological Seminary and is a pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America.
In this important and engaging biblical teaching on sexuality, White helps readers develop a Scripture-based perspective on human sexuality that goes beyond “just wait until you’re married.” God, You, & Sex doesn’t sidestep the sexual revolution that has come to bitter fruition in teen and young adult “hookup” culture. In the face of these messages and the pervasiveness of sexual temptation, White helps men and women find compelling reasons to obey God with their sexuality.
He is a graduate of Temple University and Westminster Theological Seminary and is a pastor in the Presbyterian Church in America.
Many Christians, myself included, are alarmed about the growing trend of pre-marital sex, gay marriage, and now the dysphoria of transgenderism and of course, pornography and the dangers that lie within. This book helps the reader to understand why it's important to remember that God, in His great wisdom, created sexual intimacy to be shared and enjoyed between husband and wife. He details so much about the marriage bed and how men and women differ with their sexual needs.
"Sexual intimacy is a precious gift to a married couple." "But the marriage bed is a sacred placed reserved for them alone." - David White
What I loved about the book is how Pastor White addresses each topic with great care and compassion and stresses on God's everlasting love and promises. There is so much information that is packed into this book. He addresses the church on how we should not embrace the world's point of view regarding gays and transgenders, pornography, but to focus on what the bible says about sex and marriage. Everything that he teaches reflects on God's perfect design and love for His people. He writes about his own experiences with the dangers of pornography, his intimacy with his wife and pornography in general, he addresses the LGBTQ+ and transgender people, each chapter with biblical references and with a deep profound understanding on God's Word regarding sexual sin.
What I loved about the book is how Pastor White addresses each topic with great care and compassion and stresses on God's everlasting love and promises. There is so much information that is packed into this book. He addresses the church on how we should not embrace the world's point of view regarding gays and transgenders, pornography, but to focus on what the bible says about sex and marriage. Everything that he teaches reflects on God's perfect design and love for His people. He writes about his own experiences with the dangers of pornography, his intimacy with his wife and pornography in general, he addresses the LGBTQ+ and transgender people, each chapter with biblical references and with a deep profound understanding on God's Word regarding sexual sin.
I highly recommend this book to singles and married couples alike. I would also like to add it would be a beautiful gift to those individuals that are trapped in a sinful sexual relationship and that God can free them from their bondage of sexual sin.
Sounds like a great read. I hope he sells millions!
ReplyDeleteMe. Too
ReplyDeleteDoes it address the danger of NOT having sex before marriage: a couple may find out they are not well-suited to each other till after they are married? Does it address same-sex relationships and transgenderism with anything other than nauseating self-righteous bigotry? And does it even consider the possibility that a person's sex life is their own private matter?
ReplyDeleteOf course it doesn’t, sex before marriage for most Christians, isn’t usually done, and if a couple waits to consummate the marriage it’s pleasurable for both. However, I’m sure in any marriage there could be complications; no marriage is perfect.
DeleteHe does address same-sex marriage and it’s not done with hate or bigotry, but with love and compassion, but does not condone it
First of all I'm often impressed by your ability to make the untenable sound reasonable. You'd do well in sales.
DeleteMoving on...
Same-sex attraction is about more than sex. It's a whole relationship the same way you and I have relationships. The reactionary conservative reduction of it to just something voluntary and sexual demonstrates both their shallow regard for fellow human beings plus the neurosis about sexuality that is at the heart of the Abrahamic religions.
It's not for him to condone or not condone any more than it is for him to condone the sky being blue. It just is.
In that same vein I don't condone or not condone people waiting till they're married. It's their decision and none of my business. It's just that not exploring your partner in that way prior to marriage carries the risk that they are in fact not compatible in that dimension of their personal make-up.
Of course no marriage is perfect - but that's not the bar. A lot of happy marriages consist of little to no sex at all.
You also mentioned pornography - which can indeed have very negative aspects - but not infidelity, which I thought was a curious omission.
The current president of the United States has been married three times, cheated on all of his wives, and has had sex with at least one porn model as part of that infidelity.
Do you think he'd benefit from reading this book?
To be honest, I used to be in sales, lOL! And I hated it. People can be a-holes, lol! I love what I'm doing now and wouldn't trade it for the world. :)
DeleteI'll never accept or condone same-sex marriage, in my opinion, I believe it is a mental illness that should be addressed and there is hope for those that would like to be freed from that lifestyle. I've heard and read many stories from former homosexuals that have stated that most homosexuals were sexually molested as children, didn't get the help they needed and were confused and left to heal themselves in coping with the abuse that occurred to them.
As I stated, for most Christians, we follow the Word of God and believe what it says about marriage and sex before marriage. If you truly love the person you've decided to spend the rest of your life with, then sex is just a huge plus in sharing the love, I've yet to meet any happily married couple state that they were not compatible in the marriage bed, for most, it's one of the perks of being with the person you love.
On pornography...it's led to so many disasters in marriages, careers and even murderous thoughts, which sadly, some have acted out. It's dangerous and people who are addicted to it, should seek professional help.
President Trump is no angel, I'll be the first to admit that. And yeah, anyone can benefit from this book. I believe it would help many couples and adults in general to comprehend that it's not a dirty word and that God was the one who created it, which I know you do not believe.
"People can be a-holes"... yes they can, and in the worst possible way to people who are not like themselves.
ReplyDeleteIt is sad that you regard same-sex attraction as a mental illness. Completely non-factual and absolutely rooted in taught prejudice.
Many members of the general population regardless of their orientation were molested by predators as children. Religious organisations are often the number one cover for this crime, as is shown by what revelations (ironic word choice I guess) have engulfed the Catholic and other churches in recent years.
No aspect of your life is damaged by other people being gay - any more than they being left handed (which was also regarded as 'wrong' once).
I work with numerous gay people and all of them happen to be very happy. Perhaps some others are not - but this is no different to straight people.
If one of your children turned out to be gay however, your prejudice could hurt them greatly. It would be very hard to overcome that level of rejection from a parent. In time they would have to reject either your judgement or their own nature.
As to Trump...
I am no 'angel' - I'm a rational man.
Trump is several orders of moral defective below me. And below you. He intentionally causes disharmony. Thrives on it as a tactic. He doesn't read and I suspect he cannot actually read an extended bit of text. He is intellectually poor and belligerently ignorant. Even some religious people see that his manipulation of evangelicals is opportunistic and damaging to their cause in the long run.
At least we can agree on thing, lol!
DeleteOh, I disagree. Same-sex attraction IMHO is a mental illness, people are not born that way, something happened to them, or they witnessed something, but they were not born that way, something triggered the mental break for them to behave as they do, it's not genetics, it's mental, plain and simple. I'm sure you believe otherwise, and on this I'm afraid we probably will never agree. But that's okay. We all have our opinions.
Don't get me started on Catholic priests, because I do not think God intended for these men to live celibate lives, it's very clear how God tells His people that we should marry and multiply. It's apparent, that many of these predators find children easily accessible and because of their position, parents trust them. Nope..nope..nope! That's dangerous, and that also does, sadly, happen in many other religious denominations. As parents, it is our responsibility to protect our offspring, and what is even more heartbreaking is that some parents break that precious bond to harm their little ones. It takes years for these precious children to come to terms with what happened, a lot therapy.
Actually, it is the gays who are more in our faces, forcing us to accept their behavior, their marriages, etc. I could careless what any person does in the privacy of their bedrooms should be kept private. They have been quite militant in regards to their LGBT-Q rights, some have become quite hostile. And yes, it does affect everyone, when they are in your face about it.
I absolutely think Trump is a great president, not perfect, far from it, but who is. He is very outspoken and doesn't pull any punches. It's refreshing to have a person in office who is not a professional politician. I'm not sure why you would question his intellect, but that's your opinion and I respect that. I think he's a breath of fresh air that doesn't take crap from anyone. It's about time we have some in office that isn't a kiss a** to other world leaders and has shown that we growl and if pushed too far, bite.
How many gay people do you know?
DeleteYes you're entitled to your own opinion - but not you're own facts, and the central problem in your worldview is that you confuse the two. Constantly.
You think that if you "believe" something then you think that's enough for it to be true, but it is not enough.
My (heterosexual and interracial) marriage would have been illegal in parts of the United States into my lifetime - and I'm not that old. That too was also justified by vague religious ideas but in the end it was simple prejudice.
Trump is an incredibly weak president. He has given North Korea - perhaps the most insane regime on Earth - endless propaganda by standing with it's fat, brother-murdering a-hole dictator as if he was a legitimate national leader.
He's all bluster and actually just being talked into this or that by the gaggle of idiots around him. Do think for a second he knew or cared who the Iranian general he had killed was?
I'm aware that he feeds the simpleton redneck voter's desire to appear tough, but he is actually enabling the worst American retreat from global influence since the end of WW2. He is catastrophically weak and the world has far less respect for America under his administration (….if you can call the revolving door of people being hired and fired an administration).
I want to be clear on a point here though:
I don't think he is evil in the sense of being inhumane. He is just a rich boy grown arrogant with corruption and getting away with it (fact). He is shallow enough not to have genuine friendships - he would betray anyone, not just his wives - but that comes from a deeper psychological insecurity, not malevolence.
I'm also in an interracial marriage, and yeah, I do know some gay people, and that's not the point. What I believe and what is truth comes from the teachings of the Holy Bible, which I know you do not adhere to. However, as I have stated, we have the right to our own opinions and beliefs and I respect that.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea where you get your ideas on Trump from, I don't know CNN, MSNBC?? Fake news media? But one thing for sure is he is NOT weak.
He's kept his promises to his constituents and I find it rather comical that you would clump all of those that voted for him and support him as "rednecks" Nice with the labeling, I'm sure there are a few out their that don't mind being called a "Redneck." I'm not one of them. I'm just a proud American patriot who loves her country and her president. Peace out!
Sorry.. belated reply:
ReplyDeleteYou're asking me where I get my info (info - not ideas) from?
Not Breitbart. Put it that way. I asked you the same question once and there wasn't a single real newspaper on your list.
No not CNN or MSNBC.. Leticia... I don't live in America. Big world out here - you should come see it.
I didn't say "all those that voted for him" were rednecks. Other sorts of misguided people voted for him as well. The more rational ones regret it now.
Remember this guy... Trump... went and met with Kim Jong-Un, a tyrant of an insane regime who murdered his own brother in another country's airport with a chemical weapon... and talked about 'the beautiful letter' he got from him... and so fed that murderous insane regime with propaganda that they will recycle for generations.
That in between preferring the word of Putin over US intelligence services.
He's not just weak, but delusional... smarter than all the military heads in his own view so heedless of their advice. He doesn't respect expertise of any kind, if it doesn't stroke his own ego.
He's just a rich boy corrupt businessman and reality show host, Leticia... never did a day of public service before this POTUS thing which he ran for the exposure.
And he is deeply immoral... to which you give a total pass, even though I'm sure you're a very moral person. At least in your own mind.