Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Welcome to the New Growth Children's Book Tour

These three books focus on anxiety, failure and ethnic Diversity.  These are great tools for parents and children on how to stand on the Word of God when trouble arises, and how to deal with them.  The last page of each book contains a reference for parents and bible verses in helping their child/children work through each situation.
Also included is a tear-out page of "Back Pocket Bible Verses" in the Zoe and Buster books that will give children a practical way to remember God's words when they are experiencing any kind of difficult situation.  They could put them in their backpacks, notebooks, etc.  

I hope as you read my blog reviews you will share them with your friends, social media, etc.  This helps spread the wonderful news of our Creator and his ever surpassing love for each and every one of us.  May God richly bless you all and your precious children.

Let's get started!!

Meet Zoe Mouse.  A sweet young mouse that loves to read fairy tales, who has some trouble with listening while others are speaking. One day her teacher announced they are planning a trip to the museum. The news makes Zoe anxious and fearful. The story is about overcoming her fear and trusting in God. It's a sweet tale and it's perfect for children under the age of 8.

MY REVIEW:  This book is beautifully illustrated and it invites children to remember that they are not alone, God is always with them. He's just a prayer away.  It's a good story in teaching children that any time they feel afraid, God is there, ready to lend a hand.  I thoroughly enjoyed this story.

Buster's Ears Trip Him Up:
Here we meet Buster Bunny.  He believes he's the fastest bunny in the meadow and he is excited about the big race at summer camp.  However, things don't go as smoothly as Buster would have liked.  Disaster strikes, and Buster trips over his ears, losing the race.  Through this ordeal, his older sister, Ivy, helps him to see that failure is an opportunity to grow.

My Review:  I really enjoyed reading this book.  I believe there is a little of Buster Bunny in of all us.  We sometimes believe that we can do things without the help of God, and in our pride, we usually wind up on our faces, wiping the dust off.  But this book, is shows us that we can remember that through God's love, we can do all things, and we may not always be with the one that wins, but or we aren't always the best, God still loves us and accepts us, failures and all. It's a wonderful lesson to learn.

God Made Me AND You begins with school children teasing each other about their ethnic differences.  Their teacher steps in and shares that God's wonderful plan is for our differences to reflect the amazing diversity of God's creation and to bring all nations to worship him. 

My Review:  This book teaches children that God made each and every one of us unique.  Not one person is the same.  It's a strong tool in teaching children that we are equal in the eyes of our Creator.  I hope that when they read this book, they will come to realize that we are all God's children and no one is greater than any other.

The opinions on this blog are my own.  I was given these books for an honest and fair review.  


  1. You always write great reviews, Leticia. Regarding "God Made Me and You", I'd have to read it for myself to see where the author goes with "diversity" but as a landscape and travel photographer, God's beautiful creation is what makes me want to travel. His creativity is overwhelming.

    When I look at other people, I never see a black woman or an Asian man or a white kid, I see people made in the image of God. Martin Luther King, Jr. said we should just people by the content of their character and he was absolutely right and I hope this book focuses on that rather than skin color.

  2. Thank you! I try.

    That particular book is trying to teach children that God created us all.

  3. I love these type of books to read to my kids at school. These are lessons we tend to teach them and now that there are books available, it will be fun to read to them. Hopefully, more books will come out on sharing, being scared, being generous and helpful. Hint, hint.


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 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.