Friday, September 28, 2018

Confirm Kavanaugh Now!

I'm sure by now everyone has heard about Judge Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

Here is what I believe.  I believe that this is nothing more than a witch hunt to destroy the reputation of a good, god-fearing man, who worked hard to become the conservative judge that he is.  From testimony to testimony, his colleagues, friends and family have nothing but positive things to say about him.  He has not wavered or faltered when confronted with the lies from the Left.  And yes, I firmly believe that Ford is lying through her teeth, as well as his other accusers that seemed to have crawled out from underneath the Democratic rock.

However, I digress... this is nothing but a sham, the Left did the same thing with Judge Moore and sadly, the sheeple bought the lies and he lost the election, his reputation destroyed and left in shambles.  Where were Moore's accusers after they destroyed this man and won the election for the Democratic party?  Not a peep, not one thing was every investigated further.  So, the Left, again, is playing the same hand against Judge Kavanaugh.  What are they afraid of?  Why do they feel so threatened by his confirmation?  I'll tell you what they are afraid of, they are afraid of losing the power they have over our judicial system on the American public.

They will stop at nothing to destroy the life of any person that gets in their way.  And they should feel ashamed of their despicable behavior and vendetta against this man and our nation.  They have held the American public hostage in forcing down their immorality in the forms of, gay marriage, LGBT rights, tax funded abortions, twisting the Constitution and infiltrating and indoctrinating our children to believe their twisted and sick lies of perversion.

And furthermore, assertions are not truths UNTIL they are ESTABLISHED as FACTS...and corroborated with hard cold evidence.

I pray that this nation will have their hearts and eyes opened to the truth and see exactly what the Democratic Party is truly made of.  They are nest of deceivers and users.  They lack sympathy, compassion and patriotism.  Their objective is to take down American sovereignty and turn our great nation into a socialist 3rd world country. 

This blogger stands with Judge Kavanaugh and I hope and pray that the Lord, God Almighty will move and place a hedge of protection over this man, his family and his supporters in Washington, and that he will be confirmed to the highest court in America.

Nuff said.


  1. Couldn't agree more with your obervatiins about the "Kavanaugh Kerfuffle, "BUT I believe a thorough and very INTENSE investigation should be made into the life of Christine Blasey Ford –– her experience in kindergarten, elementary school, high school, college, graduate school, her career as a teacher, her marriage, her husband's character, his career and his associations, her skill s as a parent, and a completel history of her mental and emotional life throught her fifty-two years., I'd like to know abiut her parents, grandparents, their friends, and ALL the influences brought to bear on this pathetic, whiny, tremulous troublemaking creature with the voice of a second grader. I think it's IMPORTANT that we KNOW precisely WHO and WHAT she is.

    This is not just idle curiosity. The Left needs to be treated with the same relentless, ruthless, aggressive suspicion and to be harassed in even greater measure than they inflict on the majority of decent Americans just trying to ;ive their lives in peace with a reasonable degree of comfort.

    Something about the Blasey Ford woman just did not pass the smell test. She is pretty in a pale, faded sort of way, and seems sweet and innocent on the surface, but I detected a note of subtle viciousness in the act she put on for the senate committee.

    1. Absolutely an investigation should be done. The FBI should dig into every aspect of her life and dissect it with a fine tooth comb. What she and co-horts did was unforgivable and they all need to have some serious ramifications to their vile actions.

      It was a bitter sweet victory for Judge and SCOTUS Kavanaugh,


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