Saturday, June 25, 2022

Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade and ensures that life wins over abortion

 Such a monumental ocassion to celebrate the life of unborn children and those that are left to die if there is a botched abortion.  Children have been given the chance to life, and not be summarily executed all in the name of "inconvenience."

This is probably driving Liberal feminists and male Liberals insane due to the fact they may have to start being sexually responsible and start using birth control, instead of choosing to murder a beautiful life that they had created.

In the case of rape, abortion should not still be an option, due to the fact, a child was created, yes, in an abhorrent and vicious manner, but nonetheless a precious child, a miracle of life was the result, and should be protected as well.  All life is precious, no matter how that life came to be.  

This truly is a momentus ocassion to celebrate life, because ALL lives are precious in the eyes of Almighty God.

I'm thrilled to see that even though our Supreme Court Justices were threatened, harassed and one even came close to being executed by a nutcase, he still did what was right.

Two states already have deemed abortion illegal, and I hope many more will follow.  It is time that people take responsibility with their actions and start practicing safe sex, instead of using abortion as a birth control.

God bless America!

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 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.