Sunday, March 14, 2021

It's Been Too Long


So... if I do have any followers, I hope you are all doing well and hopefully, seeing the end of this COVID nightmare.  One can only hope, right?

I'm very happy to see many states dropping their mask mandates and allowing people to get on with their lives without having to muzzle their faces.  I miss seeing the smiles of people in stores, work, etc.  A smile can go a long way, especially for people who need that little bit of sunshine if they are having a bad day.  I know I try my best to smile at everybody when I'm shopping for groceries and at work.

Anyhoo, I won't make this long, I'm just thrilled that the mask Nazis will lose their power over their customers, patients and sadly, even some places of employment. It's gotten way out of control and it needs to stop, like now.

With everything else falling apart at the moment, at least there is that, because things, politically, socially and financially are only going to progressively get worse under the false presidency of Biden/Harris.

Stay strong and stand tall my friends, God's got this.  And if you don't believe in God, well... He still has this covered.

Ciao! Stay frosty


  1. I often wonder how people survived WWI or WWII and its horrors. How people survived the horrors of communism in China, Cuba, Vietnam & growing... forturnately many did and it gives me faith that we'll survive what is relatively much smaller in scope.

    BTW your blog looks like my house. More books than I have bookcases for.

    1. Cube! Good to see you😃

      I, honestly, don’t know how they survived under such brutal hardships, but they did. However, they didn’t have to deal with the idiocy of the LGBTQ, BLM and ANTIFA mobs. It’s a mess.

  2. Glad to see you back! You always have good things to talk about. :)

    Go get 'em!


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1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective


 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.