Monday, June 15, 2020

Welcome to the Book Review end times story

I am an @AmbassadorIntl #bookreviewer and #partner!
I received a free copy of the following book on Kindle from Ambassador International Books in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions are my own.


Is their world on the brink of obliteration?
Jason has it all—a great family and an exciting, successful career. But in a blink, it's all gone, and he struggles to find out why.
Mona Foster, the President of the United States, wrestles with Christian theology while trying to lead the country. When people around the world suddenly go missing, she finds herself wondering if what she believes is real or if science has an answer.
Prime Minister Ben-Zion looks for reality in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles. When multitudes suddenly disappear, Ben-Zion starts wondering if the truths he reads in the Bible are true.
Marcus Junius is an ambitious, brilliant politician who uses chaos to seize power as millions scramble for answers in the face of tragedy, fear, and inexplicable loss of control.
Could this truly be the rapture foretold in the Bible?
 Using Bible Scripture and creative and vivid story telling, S.A. Jewell has woven an amazing story of fantastic proportions.


Sara Jewell has been a marketing professional for over 20 years and has published numerous magazine articles, news letters, news releases, and advertising copy. Her first self-published children's book was Count of Worm. Her second book, published by CrossBooks is A Christmas Dinosaur with Yellow Eyes. Her third book, is Visit from A Shepherd Boy continues with the same characters from A Christmas Dinosaur only with new adventures pre-teens and teens will enjoy.

Sara's on-line ministry, encourages all ages to read and study the Bible as well as help those in need. Her programs have included projects in Africa and the United States. Sara holds a BFA degree and a MA degree in Bible Studies. You can contact her at


I Just finished reading this, absolutely, FANTASTIC book about the rapture of the church and the end times. If you've read the Left Behind series, then this book is right up your alley.  Once I started reading it, I couldn't stop until I finished it. And so I spent a few hours camped on my couch and absorbed the wonderful message that was unfolding as I swiped through page by page. 

I would like to say one thing, in between some of the powerful messages within the book, I had to stop, sit and reflect how wonderful our God is, and at one point, I just felt compelled to kneel and pray, and I felt such a great refreshing in my spirit.  A wonderful peace and joy that I hadn't felt in a while.  This wonderful book truly moved and touched my heart.

It is a powerful message of understanding the second coming of Christ and of the rapture of the church.  It depicts a beautiful picture of what a wonderful God we have.  Her characters are lifelike and believable, very relatable.  The whole premise of the book is how they must face their intense fear as they struggle and face the upcoming disasters and horrors that continue to unfold around them.  It's a fight for survival in a world of intense hatred of those who believe in Jesus Christ.  The world is in utter chaos and despair and a looming insurmountable evil growing in the embodiment of the Antichrist.  It depicts a frightening reality of what is to come, for those who do not believe.  A masterpiece beautifully written to encourage hope and joy.


  1. Wow! I will be buying this book. Thank you for the review.

    1. Thank you for commenting and I know you will not be disappointed.

  2. It sounds like an awesome read!

    1. It really is. I cannot say enough positive things about it. Thank you for commenting.

  3. Ever hear of Aum Supreme Truth? That was the crazy religious cult that released sarin gas in the Tokyo subway in 1995, killed 12 people and permanently injured over a thousand more (me nearly one of them). It was a syncretic cult... meaning it borrowed from various religions. But the murderous bit they got from End Times doctrine. Book of Revelation.

    I've always found that aspect of religion to be most creepy... this lusting to have the world end. No future at all. Just 'the rapture', the smugness of true believers and the sadistic delight in the suffering of 'non-believers'.

    It's a very sick fantasy.
    And nonsense of course. The Earth, let alone the universe, is billions of years old. It was here when there were no people and it will be here when we are gone.
    "We". ALL of us. You're not special.
    If something bad enough to wipe out humanity happens it isn't going to spare those who moan "Jesus" 20 times a day.

    1. I had no idea that you were almost a victim of a religious cult, Magpie. And I'm very happy to hear that you survived the atrocity. But please don't confuse Christianity with fanatic cults. Christian, true believer's in the Lord Jesus Christ would NEVER condone murdering innocent people. That's goes against everything we are told the Holy Bible. And we do have to be careful about who we take instruction from, if their words do not coincide with God's Word, than it is false teaching and we will walk away from that toxic person.

      And there is no way you will find a Christian delighting and/or enjoy watching someone suffer. We would do anything within our power to help a person. Our mission in life is to reach non-believers and to help them see the saving Grace of God. We don't want to see anyone left behind. But hearts can be hardened to God's word and I'm so sad to say, that yes, they will suffer through the tribulation, but even during that time, people will reach out to God and he will listen and take them to him.

      LOL! I honestly, don't know one person who moans to Jesus 20 times day, Magpie. That's pure nonsense, I think you're confusing Islam with Christianity. On the contrary, it states in the Word that God doesn't like repetition in our prayers.

      Anyhoo... this book really touched my heart and I hope that it will give hope to those that have not yet, accepted Jesus as their Savior that they have time.


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1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective


 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.