Sunday, June 21, 2020


Shared this on my Facebook page. Stop, just stop with all the apologizing for what everyone's ancestors did in the past! And PLEASE... STOP kneeling down to people in submission and repentance. Just stop it!

If you feel you the need to kneel to someone, how about kneeling to the one who gave His life for you?

I saw a video of a crowd demanding that a police officer kneel to them during a BLM protest, they were screaming at him to do it, and he finally did, and there was cheering all around. It was abhorrent and disgusting.

What our ancestors did the in past does not define the person you are today. And let me say this, I don't care what race you are, every family, and every race has sinned and come short of the glory of God.

So, stop kneeling, call them out if you see an injustice, but we can stop the atrocity of hatred that comes with racism. Focus on the next generation and teach them about Jesus. He's the only way for our land to heal right now. So much rage, anger and hatred is flowing and it is going unchecked and unchallenged. And it must stop. Innocent people are dying, our men and women in blue are being executed and no one seems to care. Millions and millions of precious little babies are being murdered and no one says a word.

God does NOT see the color of our skin but what is in our hearts. WE CAN make a difference.

Be proud of where you came from, be proud of the race your were born in, there is good and bad in every person, and every race. Learn and grow and be the person God has called you to be.

And be in prayer, my friends, because Satan is having a field day right now, he knows his time is short and he is going to take down as many people as he can. Be not deceived by the media, or by celebrities, and any person that speaks against the Word of God.


  1. "how about kneeling to the one who gave His life for you?"

    He didn't give anything. He was executed. Before I existed. How was that for me and what difference has it ever made?

    1. Hey Magpie!

      Yes, you are very correct, He was executed, brutally, I might add, however, if you read the bible, which I know you don't, you would be aware that after 3 days in the grave, He rose from the grave.

      And even though, you do not believe that He died for all of mankind, it doesn't negate the fact that He lived and died for us all.

      And He died for believers and non-believers.

  2. I am aware of the 3 days story. We have the Easter Bunny here too y'know.

    As I recall mentioning in the past, people in some parts of the world get themselves crucified to 'experience the pain of Christ' and usually survive the experience, though they need to rest for a few days. So the logical conclusion is that the person who may have been the prototype figure for the Biblical fiction simply survived the ordeal.

    Probably went into hiding after that, raised some kids, went back to carpentry maybe.

    But assuming he did actually die on the cross (everyone dies eventually anyway)... how is that "for" all mankind? And how does any of this help with the current pandemic.

  3. You're incorrect about crucifixions, those were death sentences and horrible, excruciating deaths. Easter Bunny, really? Yeah, don't think there is even a comparison, lol!

    "Mankind" meaning every single person that has ever lived, and died. It was unconditional love that took Him to the cross. And because of our faith, and trust in God, the pandemic is not worrisome to us, because regardless of what happens here on earth, we were not promised paradise but troubles and tribulations, because humanity is imperfect and we have imperfect bodies, which are fragile and can succumb to illness, pain, etc. And when we do pass from this world, we will be join our beloved Savior in heaven, where pain, sadness, sickness, etc. Will never happen again.

  4. No I'm not incorrect about crucifixions. The Romans used to break the legs of the victim so they were hanging by their arms. A person in that position will not be able to breathe sufficiently and so will die very quickly. Jesus did not have his legs broken and so could have survived long enough to be cut down - which as I JUST SAID is done NOW by religious maniacs who want to experience the pain of Christ. Annually in the city of San Fernando, Pampanga, in the Philippines, which is a real country in the real world. Go have a look at the news reports with photographs. Probably video if you look hard enough.

    The pandemic is not worrisome to you...? So you are comfortable with people dying of illness that could have been minimized if you had a competent government? What if your husband dies? Or your kids? Just dandy? Don't you see how evil that is...? Because if you don't worry about you or them then you don't worry about anyone... which is basically the sum of modern political conservativism - utter selfishness.

    You won't "rejoin" Jesus... you never met him. Rejoin him and what? Just sit there playing scrabble for all eternity? It's all nonsense. It's empty, pain-loving, and goes nowhere.

  5. In scripture, Jesus gave up the Holy Ghost, which means He died. And yes, Spirit to Spirit, means I will "rejoin" with Christ, but not in my mortal body.

    COVID is real, I'm not denying that. However, I believe that the MSM and local and state officials have exaggerated all the new cases, and people dying. I'm hearing from nurses that they are seeing their reports being changed from a natural death to COVID. And people are reporting that they are receiving letters from health officials that they and their entire family have been tested for positive COVID, when in fact, they never were tested. In Texas, the health department had to retract their numbers because of false numbers.

    If you knew how corrupt the Democratic Party and Liberal media are, you would be questioning their reports. The whole purpose they continue to keep scaring folks is to keep them from voting in November, and are urging states to use mail in ballots, and many times, those votes have been lost, especially if a person is voting Republican or Independent.

    They are using COVID as a way to control our society.

  6. No Leticia... you're refusing to accept reality, and you are regurgitating propaganda.

    The Democrat Party and the "liberal media" does not control the rest of the world - or the country I live in.
    You think too narrowly and trust liars completely.
    No organization in my country has any reason to exaggerate the US infection rate and death toll. Or that of the UK or Brazil which are both also very bad.

    Go to the Johns Hopkins University of Medicine site and look at the numbers... unless you think they are "liberal media" or part of the Democrat Party (in which case you'd be insane).

    Are you saying those people didn't really die? No?
    Then WHAT did they die of, Leticia?
    And why are tens of thousands of people fighting for their lives in overflowing intensive care units if COVID-19 is 'exaggerated'?

    My wife is a nurse and is risking her life every damned day keeping us safe here in my town in my country which has done a lot more than yours did and thus has a lower infection rate as well as a lower death rate among those who do get infected.

    I have a friend in America who thought as you... that it was all exaggerated.
    Until HE was infected and nearly died of it. Until HE was watching 30 year olds being intubated because they could not breathe by themselves any more. Then he realized. This crisis is real.
    His lungs are permanently damaged. No amount of Jesus will fix them. And he will die younger than he would have if he didn't believe the Trumpian lies and the lies of Breitbart or Fox News.

    To believe as you do is to believe this pandemic - the worst in over a hundred years which is killing people and ruining economies all over the world - is 'just not that bad'... and that it will all magically go away as Trump keeps saying it will - because he just does not care.

    The only thing that treasonous psychopath cares about is his own ego.
    Hence the lie about mail ballot fraud - for which there is no evidence.
    No evidence.
    The polls say he could lose in November because he has handled this so badly, and he has also just said he may not accept the result. The mail ballot fraud lie is forward preparation for if/when he loses.
    (he may not lose - after all... he got fewer votes than Clinton but 'won' because of gerrymandering)

    Whether he loses or not... this pandemic will drive the world into an economic hole we will spend years trying to climb out of.
    You say "COVID is real". Bravo. It is.
    But that's not what Trump said. He called it a hoax. He still undermines medical experts now.
    Kids and teachers will die when schools are re-opened early, to give an image of normal. That's his 'strategy' - to call the problem finished and pretend it never happened while people are dying.
    And the lousy lie factories you get your info from will support that agenda.

  7. Whoa! Okay, sorry it's taken me so long to answer, a few things have been going on.

    I am VERY aware of COVID and that is is a real virus, no one is disputing that, but I'm not sure you are understanding how our nation works, and how the media continues to lie to Americans about the "pandemic" it is VERY, VERY politically motivated. Some states are continuing to allow the riots to happen and the majority of them aren't wearing masks, and practicing safe distancing. However, churches are being told that they cannot worship or gather. Funerals are not being allowed, but if a famous person dies it's allowed. It's a double-standard. People can stand in longs at stores, but are being told they cannot stand in line to vote.

    I know you only get your news from the MSM and probably don't even consider looking at other non-biased news outlets, so I can understand where you are getting you misinformation. But I am here, I'm seeing the riots, I'm seeing businesses being destroyed, I'm seeing rogue Governors and mayors overstepping their power of authority on ridiculous mandates. And it is frustrating.

    I know your wife is on the front lines, and I pray she will never contract this dreadful virus, but people can survive it, and have. We know that the numbers are being manipulated, because several places have been caught and have to retract the numbers they gave the public. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are blocking and censoring many thousands of doctors who are trying to educate the public on COVID and that there is treatment for it.

    You're watching everything from the sidelines, but you are not experiencing what we are. And it's absolutely horrifying.

  8. "I know you only get your news from the MSM"

    Sigh... You mean 'the mainstream media'? That's a distraction word, Leticia.
    All it means is normal fact-based news services that aren't the rabid Right-wing conspiracy theory-ridden alternative media which is not fact checked, peer-reviewed or even interested in facts at all.

    When you use that term... you are confirming your allegiance to conspiracy theory types - who mostly investigate nothing and just aggregate fairy-tales in a basement somewhere.

    Did you even check with Johns Hopkins as I suggested? Or do you think they are part of the conspiracy?

    "you are not experiencing what we are"

    Well I see the riots and the property destruction... The whole world is watching it. That's to do with endemic racism and police brutality which are long-standing issues in America. It has nothing to do with Covid-19.

    You haven't answered my question from the other week: If not for Covid-19 why are so many hospitals at capacity?

    "blocking and censoring the many thousands of doctors who are..."

    Oh do you mean Stella Immanuel and the group called "America Frontline Doctors"?
    No there are not thousands of them and stupid Stella is a religious crackpot.

    Stella believes in witches and demons, and that established medicine is made with alien DNA. She is a lunatic. Which is why Breitbart first published her, because Breitbart is a fact-free 'news' source for extremely gullible people.
    But THAT'S what you go to instead of a real news service... isn't it?

    Stella also had some video up that got taken down (or censored as you call it) for being dangerously misinformative.
    She then said Jesus would destroy Facebook's servers if it didn't go back up again.. Well the servers are still up so I guess Jesus had better things to do.

    There are medical interventions but currently no vaccine for Covid-19. Many different medical research centers are trying to develop one. Let's hope they have some success in the months to come.

    Also... you are contradicting yourself here: If a treatment is being withheld from Americans then the only people with that kind of power are... the current administration.

    Current US death toll is 158 thousand. Went up by just over 500 since yesterday.

  9. Yes, I meant the MSM, but I do not trust or believe anything they say, they've been known to lie and have had to retract their stories, on several occasions. I have my news sources that I trust, and they back up their findings with truth and evidence. Sorry, but you've been played.

    LOL! The riots are being funded by BLM a known Marxist group and ANTIFA, whom I assume you've heard of. They will jump on any opportunity to wreak havoc, and in Democratic cities are being allowed to run amok. Again, you're only getting a one-sided story from the MSM. Black on black murders is at a such larger scale than cop vs Black. Look up the statistics. It's very sad and rather shocking.

    And yes, I did see the website on John Hopkins. I believe their numbers are inflated. We've been seeing many people dying for COVID but with underlying health issues. People with cancer, heart failure, elderly people with chronic and acute medical illnesses that have contracted the virus. And according to most doctors (the ones being silenced)have had great success that have treated their infected patients hydroxychloroquine zinc and azithromycin and have made full recoveries. So, as I have stated earlier. So, why won't Democratic run states allow the treatment if it has been known to work? One huge reason, the presidential election that is coming up in November, they are pushing for mail in ballots, which is why they are continuing to enforce ridiculous mask mandates. They don't want people to go and vote.

    No, Simone Gold and other reputable doctors, and I can't list them all. And it's just not them that have been speaking out, but nurses as well, who have tried to expose the lies hospitals are giving on COVID deaths.

    I have no idea where you got your information about Dr. Immanuel, but from seeing her FB page and she is very enthusiastic about her faith in God, and that is commendable. And I do follow Breitbart, as well as other unbiased news websites. "Gullible" why because we don't believe half the non-sense Mainstream media is spoon-feeding their followers? If that's the only place you are getting your information, then it is you that is being mislead.

    I'm not contradicting myself on anything. States have their chosen representatives, Governors, Senators and Congressman that set up legislature for their individual states. However, they cannot make laws on the fly, it has to go through proper protocol, which they are ignoring. They cannot, legally, infringe on the rights of the people, but as of right now, some are overstepping those boundaries, which is why many Americans are fighting back. It's a complicated system, and I just don't have the energy to type it out.


All civil dialogue is welcome. However, I will delete comments that include any of the following:
1. Any use of profanity or abusive language
2. Off topic comments and spam
3. Use of personal invective


 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.