Saturday, November 16, 2019

Welcome to the Good News for Little Heart Book Series

I received this book from New Growth Press in exchange for this review and the opinions expressed are my own.

Introducing the latest three releases in the Good News for Little Hearts series!
This series of hardback, illustrated children’s books for three-to eight-year-olds—each centered on an animal family—bring gospel help and biblical counsel to families. The animal characters, colorful illustrations, and the real-life issues each animal family face will captivate children.

The last page contains information for parents on how God, in his Word, helps us turn to Jesus when we are experiencing different emotions (anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, etc.). Together children and parents will be guided into meaningful conversations about living by faith in the details of everyday life.
Also included is a tear-out page of “Back Pocket Bible Verses” that will give children a practical way to remember God’s words.

To purchase these wonderfully, faith-based children's books, please click on the titles.
Gus, a raccoon who loves all things sweet, learns what happens when you want something too much. After Gus gets caught taking candy from the store, Papa reminds him that temptation might be strong for us, but it’s not too strong for Jesus. Both Gus and Papa can ask Jesus for help when they want something too much.
Henry Says Good-Bye.   Henry the hedgehog loves his pet ladybug. She keeps him company and entertains him, his family, and his friends with her flying tricks. But one day, he has to say good-bye to his ladybug. Henry and his whole family are sad, but they learn to go to Jesus with their sadness and ask him to comfort them.
Tori the turtle feels all alone. She has just moved to a new pond and a new school with her family and it seems like everyone has a friend except her. Her teacher notices she feels alone and helps her remember Jesus is always her friend and then along the way she makes some new friends.

MY BOOK REVIEW:  First I haven't or not sure if I will receive "Henry Says Good-Bye." But since this is a three book series, I felt it was important to post it with the two other books that I did read.

Let me start with "Gus Loses His Grip," this cute little story is about Gus who happens to love candy, which most of us can relate, however, Gus becomes greedy in wanting more and more candy, which leads him to disobey his parents, which leads to stealing and gets caught.  Afterwards, Gus must apologize for stealing but in turn, his papa has a strong lesson to teach his son about what God has given us and to appreciate what we have and to see that sometimes more isn't necessarily a healthy thing, but can lead to bad decisions. There are biblical references to teach Gus about God's gifts to us, a fresh breeze, birds singing, fish in the water, but the greatest gift of all, giving us Jesus Christ, His only son.   I felt that this was a beautifully illustration on to enjoy what we have and to be content with it.  Too much of anything is a bad thing, if he leads a person down a dark path.  I loved this story and I also like the fact there are some great lessons in the back of the book for parents to teach their children the lesson Gus learned.

"Tori Comes Out of Her Shell."  This lovely story is about  Tori, a shy little turtle who is afraid to come out of her shell.  She feels lonely and afraid because she's new and is afraid to reach out to make new friends.  However, her teacher notices Tori hiding in her shell and coaxes her out and teaches her that with Jesus, she's never alone, eventually, Tori makes a friend and she begins to understand that no matter what, she's never alone.
It's wonderfully written to help children to cope with shyness, and insecurity.  I loved this story, it really touches the heart and moves parents and children to embrace the Lord as a friend who is there no matter what.  So, when a child feels alone, or shy, they can always reach back into their minds and  hearts and remember, that with Jesus, they are never alone.

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 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.