Saturday, March 31, 2018

How can you mess up prepared cookie dough from a package?

I decided to not even bother attempting to bake homemade cookies, it's too much work, I think, and quite frankly, they never come out.

However, that will not be a deterrent. I was just on "slow-mode" that day.

Picture it my kitchen...

I bought 2 Walmart brand snicker doodle cookie dough, and thought, easy as pie!  No way I can mess this up! Yeah, right.

I followed the directions, as I usually do and low and behold they came out wrong.  The cookies were NOT round and seriously, they just weren't baked right, I guess?  Gooey and then turned crunchy, 😔 beats me.  They were not good.  Maybe next time add some cinnamon and sugar.  That's the trick!

My son asked me, "Mom, how can anyone mess up on cookie dough?"

What could I say, "Ummm...sorry."

Oi vey.

Thursday, March 29, 2018


 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.