May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.
My Daily Trek
Welcome fellow bloggers and visitors, grab a cup of coffee, and join me as I share about new books, gaming, music, nature, and fun memes as well as politics.
Sunday, December 31, 2023
Saturday, June 17, 2023
Is there Anyone Out There? I'm Still Here
I haven't dropped off the planet just yet, bu if there are any daddies out there, this if for all of you, whether you have human or fur babies.
Saturday, November 26, 2022
The Year of the Bear Book Review
Thanks for the free book, @AmbassadorIntl! I am an @AmbassadorIntl #bookreviewer and #partner!
Award-winning inspirational author and poet, Douglas Lanzo, brings to life the legend of the Penobscot tribe of Maine and their close ties to the black bear through the eyes of Jason Wilson, a boy on the cusp of manhood during the 1980s. Thirteen-year-old Jason is on the cusp of manhood, striving to fi nd his place at school and at home—especially after his mother has abandoned them and his father is left to deal with his own anger. When Jason and his father encounter a bear while out hunting, they shoot and kill it, not realizing that they have left a cub without its mother. When Sasquot of the Penobscot Tribe, a part of the Bear Family, discovers what they have done, he decides that Jason needs a lesson in caring for God’s creatures. Thus begins a year that Jason will never forget as he begins to care and train the cub in order for it to survive. As Jason forms a bond with the bear, he, in turn, learns valuable lessons for life. “Fans of classic, enthralling adventure (and I’m one) are in for a rare treat,” said Josh Lieb, New York Times best-selling and Emmy Award-winning author of I am a Genuis of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to Be Your Class President. Reminiscent of classic novels such as My Side of the Mountain and Call of the Wild, The Year of the Bear is a story that will delight and educate readers as they learn about the Native American culture, black bears, and the rugged woods of rural Maine.ABOUT THE AUTHOR
An award-winning and inspirational author featured in WestWard Quarterly’s Winter 2021 issue and published in three of Vita Brevis Press’ bestselling poetry anthologies in 2021 and 2022 as well as in Cafe Haiku’s Fifth Poetry Anthology sharing my solitude, since 2020 Douglas’ poetry has found homes in fi fty literary publications across the U.S., Canada, England, Wales, Austria, Mauritius, India, Japan, Australia, and The Caribbean. A graduate of Harvard College and Law School, where Douglas enjoyed writing editorials for The Harvard Crimson and articles for various other campus publications, he has published professional legal articles throughout his career. A General Counsel by day and writer by night, Douglas resides in Chevy Chase, Maryland, with his wife and thirteen-year-old identical twin boys, fellow internationally published poets, enjoying nature, traveling, biking, tennis, and chess.
I absolutely loved this book. It has all the aspects of what makes a very exciting and heartwarming story. It's beautifully written with the characters being relatable, the description of the them are detailed and without wanting. There is a lot of helpful and insightful information of the Penobscot Tribe, and how they lived, how they perceive nature as friend instead of foe, and of course the strong bond that they share with the black bear. The reader is swept up in Jason's journey to manhood, by learning how to feed, train and eventually letting go of the cub, what they must eat, how they hunt, everything that a sow would teach her cub in order to survive in the wild, is now up to Sasquot and Jason to make sure he is prepared for all aspects of what it is to be a black bear.
What I loved about this story is how Sasquot imparts his wisdom and faith with his young mentor and friend. He teaches him how to confront and work through the many obstacles that this young boy must face and endure, such as being bullied at school, his mother leaving and dealing with the ugliness of racism for associating with Sasquot and his family, and of course, to respect and love nature in all her beauty and harshness. I truly loved this whole story from beginning to end, not a moment was dull or overly dramatized, detailed with perfect clarity and vividness. I have new-found respect for native Americans and their great wisdom and love they have with for nature, the world could use that wisdom right about now, and of course, a new respect and love for the beautiful black bear.
Monday, September 5, 2022
Book Review "Angry With God"
I received a free digital copy of the following book from New Growth Press in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions are my own.
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Saturday, August 27, 2022
Children's Book Review "God Made Babies."
I received a free digital copy of the following book from New Growth Press in exchange for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions are my own.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade and ensures that life wins over abortion
Such a monumental ocassion to celebrate the life of unborn children and those that are left to die if there is a botched abortion. Children have been given the chance to life, and not be summarily executed all in the name of "inconvenience."
This is probably driving Liberal feminists and male Liberals insane due to the fact they may have to start being sexually responsible and start using birth control, instead of choosing to murder a beautiful life that they had created.
In the case of rape, abortion should not still be an option, due to the fact, a child was created, yes, in an abhorrent and vicious manner, but nonetheless a precious child, a miracle of life was the result, and should be protected as well. All life is precious, no matter how that life came to be.
This truly is a momentus ocassion to celebrate life, because ALL lives are precious in the eyes of Almighty God.
I'm thrilled to see that even though our Supreme Court Justices were threatened, harassed and one even came close to being executed by a nutcase, he still did what was right.
Two states already have deemed abortion illegal, and I hope many more will follow. It is time that people take responsibility with their actions and start practicing safe sex, instead of using abortion as a birth control.
God bless America!
Saturday, April 16, 2022
It's Not About A Bunny, It's about The Lamb
As crazy as the world has become, so many of us know that we are living through some very real biblical prophecy. I'm not saying we are in the end times, because God alone knows the day and time this will happen.
This weekend, many of us are focused on what was the most pivotal and most important time in history, the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I hope and pray that many will come to the Lord and embrace Him as their Lord and Savior before hearts are perpetually hardened forever.
May the love, grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father be with any person who happens to read this. Have most blessed and happy Resurrection Day.
Saturday, April 2, 2022
Sunday, March 27, 2022
For the Love of Star Trek: The Original Series
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Women Are Women and Men Are Men
It’s such a sad state of affairs when people have been so brainwashed to believe there are more than two genders, when in fact there is not. And seeing men competing in women’s sports, and destroying the women in the process. Or men pretending to be women in anything. They need professional help not encouragement.
Men cannot and will never have a uterus, Fallopian tubes, ovaries and have menstrual cycles, or produce milk for babies. They’ll never experience child birth. Let’s not get into dealing with hormones, hot flashes and menopause. They are the masculine and we are the feminine and there is nothing wrong with that. But it’s disturbing how easily people can be manipulated into believing the lies. No amount of surgeries, makeup and wearing women’s clothes will change their DNA.
What’s more disappointing is that a woman that is supposed to be highly educated has no idea how to define what a woman is.π³
What a messed up world we are living in.π₯Ίπ’ May God have mercy on us.
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Take the Masks Off Your Children...
I have never believed that masks worked and glad that so many people have finally decided to remove those horrific diapers off their faces, however, there are still people who are believing the lies and propaganda of the Left and Fake News Media and feel they have the right to coerce, bully and shame people who refuse the idiocy.
I'm so happy that a doctor had the courage to say what so many of us have been trying say. Masks don't work, they never have. And parents and other adults should be ashamed of themselves for projecting their irrational fears on their little children.
God bless Dr. McDonald and AFLDS for their stance to protect our children from the lies of the Left.
Dr. Mark McDonald, psychiatrist, original AFLDS physician, patriot, and critical thinker, reminds us Masks, “Physicians are mandated reporters. When we witness or suspect child abuse, we are obligated both ethically and legally to report it to social services or the police. If a child shows up for therapy or medication treatment covered with cigarette burns, a doctor cannot ignore it.
Masks are no different.… they do cause significant and possibly permanent damage to a child’s brain, retarding speech and language development, crippling social skills, and inciting a vicious cycle of emotional dysregulation leading to major depression, self-harm, and substance abuse. We would never allow someone to do this to our children directly, so why do we condone it through the vehicle of a face mask?”

I emailed the announcement above to all my patients earlier this week. The night before, I had recorded a podcast for Informed Dissent with attorney Nicole Pearson, who successfully sued the LAUSD to end “vaccine” mandates for public schoolchildren in Los Angeles County. During the interview, we began discussing masking children, something I have called out since summer of 2020 as nothing short of child abuse. She said, “This will end today, if every adult refuses to tolerate it.”
Although I have been speaking out against this nouveau form of child abuse for nearly two years, and I have challenged parents to confront this horrible behavior—essentially a projection of adult fear and anxiety onto children, who have no capacity to consent to the abuse—I have also allowed children, at times, to come to my office with diapers covering their faces. I was concerned that if I pushed too hard, the fearful parents would simply yank their children from treatment, causing even further emotional damage. I have decided that position is no longer tenable.
Physicians are mandated reporters. When we witness or suspect child abuse, we are obligated both ethically and legally to report it to social services or the police. If a child shows up for therapy or medication treatment covered with cigarette burns, a doctor cannot ignore it. Masks are no different. They may not leave physical scars (although they often result in painful skin infections that can lead to permanent facial disfigurement), but they do cause significant and possibly permanent damage to a child’s brain, retarding speech and language development, crippling social skills, and inciting a vicious cycle of emotional dysregulation leading to major depression, self-harm, and substance abuse. We would never allow someone to do this to our children directly, so why do we condone it through the vehicle of a facemask?
At my first public speaking event since the pandemic began, I announced in May 2020 at the Orange County School Board of Education meeting that we the adults had failed our children by allowing our own fears to drive and sustain the closure of schools. It was, at the time, the biggest mistake we had made in responding to the public health crisis provoked by the arrival of the Wuhan virus from China. I challenged parents to set aside their narcissistic paranoia over a minor respiratory infection that did not affect children and assert their responsibilities as adult guardians to demand that schools re-open immediately. I was profoundly disappointed by the largely apathetic and cowardly response shown by the vast majority of the local population.
Nearly two years later, I am done. I will no longer accept your ill-informed, foolish, immature rationalizations for the ongoing abuse of your children. If you want me to treat your child, take the mask off his face—or find another doctor who is as disturbed as you are, who prefers to cling to a fear fantasy over reality, who will rather honor a truly sinister mandate than his ethical duties, and who will choose child abuse over the uncomfortable position of embarrassing his patients. You, the parent, are not the victim. Your child is.
I have taken a stand. I invite you, too, as well. If we all do, this ends today.
May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.
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