Sunday, February 13, 2022

Don't Follow the World's Leading

 Just a short message.  

We are living in hard times, life is full of fear, anger and envy.  So much chaos and you might be wondering where does one go to get solitude?  Relief from the stress of daily living and there really only is one solid answer, God.  

He is there to guide, hold and to comfort in times when it seems you just can't go on another day.  But...God, I love those two wonderful words, "But God..." Because no matter what life throws at you, and believe me, it can get VERY tough.  It almost feels like your in a cascading water fall, being tossed and to and for, plummeting to certain death, but you never quite reach the bottom.  But God... yup He's in it with you, it breaks His heart that you are suffering right now, and even though the trials are being allowed to happen in your life, your NEVER alone.  

Take heart and hold fast in the presence of Almighty God, because even though it may seem the torrential storms will never end, they will.  And you will have the peace of our loving Father, just holding you tight.

God bless.


 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.