Saturday, July 31, 2021

A crash course on face masks

Well worth watching to make an informed decision.  People should NEVER be forced, coerced into wearing one out of their fear, and not yours. 

And children should NEVER, EVER have to wear them. Be smart, stay informed and make up your own mind and not that of the media or government.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

The Hypocrisy of the Democratic Party

Homeland Security says Cubans will not be welcomed here if they come by boats while fleeing their tyrannical and communist regime, and Jen Psaki saying it’s too dangerous and that’s not how you enter America. 🙄😆

However, at the southern borders thousands of unfettered, unhindered and unchecked illegals are being welcomed in. Why? Because the majority of them tend to vote Democrat.😵‍💫

The reason they refuse to allow Cubans sanctuary and asylum, is because the majority of them that come to America are entrepreneurs and embrace being Americans and love this country, but the biggest reason is that they tend to vote Republican.  Look at how they voted in Florida.  

Let that sink in.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Loss of a Beloved Fur Baby


On April 3rd, 2021.  My most beautiful and precious Ziyal departed from this world.  She was my sweet ray of sunshine in such a dismal and dark world.  My constant companion and comfort.  She was a rescue and to be honest, we don't know how old she was, but she became a member of the family 15 years ago. She was also a young adult. Doesn't really matter, she was the baby.

She had taken ill a few days prior, she became lethargic and her little body struggled to stay warm, I kept her covered in her favorite "bankie" and it seemed to help.

I had decided to take her to the vet, because no matter what I did, nothing seemed to help soothe her.

Her first day, they hooked her up to IV's and began to give her fluids and pain medication.  The veterinarian had informed me that she had pancreatitis and which is usually fatal in cats. My heart broke.  How did this happen?  How did I not notice?  He said it wasn't my fault, cats tend to hide their pain and discomfort.

On Good Friday, April 2nd, I got a call that she was still in distress and they were not sure if she was going to pull through, but they were hopeful.  They regularly called me giving me updates.  

April 3rd, at around 10 am.  The vet was optimistic and said that she still was in critical condition, but felt she would pull through. I told the vet I would be down to visit and sit with her, which was my routine, since the day I had her admitted.  I couldn't bear the thought of my sweet baby being there alone and with strangers, even though, she had the best care.  So, at 11 am, the vet called and told me that my baby had quit breathing and thankfully, they had successfully resuscitated her, and had her on oxygen.  He said she took a turn for the worse and that I needed to get down to the hospital as soon as possible.  I was already in tears, my angel was dying, and there wasn't a darn thing I could do.  My youngest son went with me, for support and he also wanted to say "goodbye" to his friend, after all he was a baby when we brought her home. 

One of the hardest and most difficult decisions I've ever had to make and hope to never make again was allowing the vet to put her to sleep.  I cried and after I could talk, I said, "yes, I don't want her suffering any longer."  And with that, a few minutes later, as I held her, she quickly and peacefully slipped away. I don't know how long I sat there crying and holding her limp body, but after a while, I put her down. And let the staff take her.  

I had my angel cremated, had her paws imprinted on plaster and after a few days brought her home.

To anyone who is reading this and have suffered such a loss with a most beloved fur baby, I'm so truly sorry.  These are not simply "pets" they are family and the loss is just as profound and heart-wrenching.



 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.