Friday, September 28, 2018

Confirm Kavanaugh Now!

I'm sure by now everyone has heard about Judge Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford.

Here is what I believe.  I believe that this is nothing more than a witch hunt to destroy the reputation of a good, god-fearing man, who worked hard to become the conservative judge that he is.  From testimony to testimony, his colleagues, friends and family have nothing but positive things to say about him.  He has not wavered or faltered when confronted with the lies from the Left.  And yes, I firmly believe that Ford is lying through her teeth, as well as his other accusers that seemed to have crawled out from underneath the Democratic rock.

However, I digress... this is nothing but a sham, the Left did the same thing with Judge Moore and sadly, the sheeple bought the lies and he lost the election, his reputation destroyed and left in shambles.  Where were Moore's accusers after they destroyed this man and won the election for the Democratic party?  Not a peep, not one thing was every investigated further.  So, the Left, again, is playing the same hand against Judge Kavanaugh.  What are they afraid of?  Why do they feel so threatened by his confirmation?  I'll tell you what they are afraid of, they are afraid of losing the power they have over our judicial system on the American public.

They will stop at nothing to destroy the life of any person that gets in their way.  And they should feel ashamed of their despicable behavior and vendetta against this man and our nation.  They have held the American public hostage in forcing down their immorality in the forms of, gay marriage, LGBT rights, tax funded abortions, twisting the Constitution and infiltrating and indoctrinating our children to believe their twisted and sick lies of perversion.

And furthermore, assertions are not truths UNTIL they are ESTABLISHED as FACTS...and corroborated with hard cold evidence.

I pray that this nation will have their hearts and eyes opened to the truth and see exactly what the Democratic Party is truly made of.  They are nest of deceivers and users.  They lack sympathy, compassion and patriotism.  Their objective is to take down American sovereignty and turn our great nation into a socialist 3rd world country. 

This blogger stands with Judge Kavanaugh and I hope and pray that the Lord, God Almighty will move and place a hedge of protection over this man, his family and his supporters in Washington, and that he will be confirmed to the highest court in America.

Nuff said.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Welcome to "The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible" Blog Tour and Giveaway

The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible Blog Tour and Giveaway
God’s Spirit is living among God’s people. He always was, always is, and always will be. These are the stories that tell about him and what he does.

About the book:

The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible    brings to life more than 40 Bible stories that help readers understand that God’s Spirit has been with us since the beginning of time and continues to be with us today. From the glory of creation through the powerful letters of Paul, God’s Spirit is living in his people. Old and New Testament stories such as Adam and Eve, Abraham, Joseph, the Baptism of Jesus, and Pentecost come alive with dramatic illustrations by Fernando Juarez and moving text by Doris Rikkers. With a cover that sparkles and shines with foil, this is a special storybook Bible that will appeal to both children and parents alike.

Want to preview the book?  Click HERE

Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
If I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
If I settle on the far side of the sea,
Even there your hand will guide me,
Your right hand will hold me fast.
Psalm 139: 7–10

About the author and illustrator:

Doris Wynbeek Rikkers is a freelance writer and editor who has written many bestselling children’s books and Bibles. Although she loves the ocean, she lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, surrounded by her books, her flower gardens, and her family and friends.
Spanish artist Fernando Juarez illustrates children’s books and also works as an art supervisor at the Madrid studio Ilion Animation. The company produces 3D feature films for children. Fernando has three kids himself, and if he has any time left after work and family, you might catch him playing guitar in a rock band.

MY REVIEWMy first impression upon opening this book was how beautiful the pictures are.  The illustrations were spot-on in depicting the story that was being told with perfect clarity.  The chapters are short, sweet and to the point, very easy for young readers to follow and understand.  
Each story teaches the children of how wonderful the Spirit of God works and moves in the heart of man.  It gives them a sense of peace with an assurance that they will never be alone, that they have a constant companion directing their paths.  To the very end there is an assurance in following Jesus.

I believe young children will enjoy reading this book or even just looking at the pictures, because they tell the story quite vividly.

You can also enter to win a copy of The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible and other awesome kids' releases in a giveaway hosted by Read with Audra. Details below!

The prize pack includes a copy of:

Spirit of God Illustrated Bible
Adventure Bible Book of Daring Deeds and Epic Creations
NIV Kids Visual Study Bible
Explorer's Bible Guide
Words to Love By
Love Letters from God 
To enter please follow this LINK

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Why The Media Hates Donald Trump

JERUSALEM, Israel – On Monday, August 27, the White House hosted a dinner in honor of evangelical leadership; it was truly on the level of a State dinner.
I attended and spoke briefly at that dinner but when I saw the media reports about the evening I could not believe what I was reading. As a journalist for over 40 years I can only describe what I read as fake news.  
President Trump allowed us to speak that evening; it was mostly ministers praying, preaching and praising God for His blessings. The only words I can use to describe the dinner at the White House are "Holy Ground."
Donald Trump has exceeded our wildest expectations, certainly mine concerning Israel.  Without a doubt he is the best US president for Israel.
Why do we support Donald Trump?  Because America was on the Sodom road. We all saw the handwriting of God's judgment coming like a freight train on America, but God chose the most unlikely person to make America great again, Donald Trump.   What a shock to have a president tell us the truth and refuse to play the political game.
Yes, Donald Trump, like all of us, is a sinner but we have no doubt that he has come to the Savior. And when Donald Trump says "Merry Christmas," it is because of his personal faith.
No president in America has allowed a group of evangelicals to pray over them in the Oval Office. I was there when it happened twice – it was Holy Ground! No president has given an evangelical group a private tour of the residence as he gave us. It seems previous presidents have used us when they needed our vote. Donald Trump does the opposite; he embraces us as family. We are strong leaders with a biblical view and we are free to speak truth to power.
Why does the secular media hate him so? Because the new wars of the 21st Century are fueled and fed by a media that embraces a secular, humanistic worldview; that rejects moral absolutes. I asked a joint chief of staff years ago to tell me what determines when wars begin and end. He whispered in my ear, "the media."
Mike Evans is a #1 New York Times bestselling author with 89 published books.  He is the founder of the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem of which the late President Shimon Peres, Israel's ninth president, was the chair. He serves on the Evangelical Faith Advisory Board.
God Bless America and our precious President and First Lady.  


 May God's great and love and blessings cover you this coming year.